Part of Leadership New Zealand’s ethos is that Alumni make a commitment to “pay it forward”. This can be done in many ways which include speaking at LNZ leadership sessions and events, hosting and sponsoring LNZ events, contributing to the Alumni Pledge, being a member of the ARG, volunteering for SkillsBank projects, being a Trustee, making scholarship donations, providing voluntary support to LNZ etc.
We wish to acknowledge and thank the following Alumni who have generously supported Leadership NZ across all these activities during the period:
16 August – 30 November
Adrian Wimmers, Alistair Kwun, Andrew Sharp, Angela Green, Anil Chandra Varma, Arthur Grooby, Bernie Grant, Carole Bellette, Christian Penny, Deidre Otene, Devin Brown, Ewen Anderson, Fenella Gray, George Riley, Gillian Dudgeon, Hilary Sumpter, Jennie Vickers, Jo Kelly-Moore, Julian Inch, Leisa Siteine, Lisa Howard-Smith, Lydia Sosene, Manu Sione, Marija Batistich, Mark Baker, Mark Dunlop, Matt Anderson, Maureen Crombie, Max Adler, Meredith Youngson, Murray Wu, Neville Pulman, Nick Astwick, Penny Fitt, Puamiria Maaka, Rewi Spraggon, Sina Wendt-Moore, Tara Pradhan, Tony Te Au.