Leadership NZ was delighted to partner with Mind Warriors to deliver an Alumni-only one day JOLT Ignite programme. Facilitated by Wade Jackson, attendees had the opportunity to have a day out to focus on themselves, refresh and enhance their personal leadership style, as well as adding to their existing toolkit. Our theme for this year of Mindful Leadership was woven throughout the day.
Feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive with each person identifying ways in which they would do things differently going forward. Everyone would recommend the workshop to others – high praise indeed which speaks to the quality and value of the day!
JOLT is a holistic human development system that provides the tools and knowledge you need to thrive in all areas of your life. JOLT not only guides you to live more mindfully, but with more Self intelligence. JOLT Ignite breaks the circuit on stuck thinking and gives you tools to better manage yourself, your emotions and behaviours. The program is designed to fire up your Self Intelligence and your journey to clarity, choice and higher performance.
Areas covered in the workshop included:
- Understanding how Self Intelligence impacts The Big 3: Health, Wealth and Relationships;
- Increasing your self-awareness, mindfulness and self-management (Self Intelligence);
- Becoming more agile, resilient and creative;
- Working more effectively with others;
- Experiencing the value of deeper listening; and,
- Gaining clarity around your personal values.
Thank you to AUT Business for generously hosting this event