NZLP Programme Director Louise Marra reflects on our connection crisis in the COVID-19 era and how we as leaders can best use this time to deepen connectivity with ourselves, each other and the planet.
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We hold events for our alumni, friends, and the general public for people to connect with the important conversations in leadership.
Subject matter experts and prominent New Zealand leaders share their knowledge and engage with the audience, sparking new ideas and innovation as minds from different backgrounds converge and focus their energy on a salient issue or theme.
Exploring the Self and System
In our MASTERCLASS SERIES, LOUISE MARRA will work with your imagination, cellular structure, intention, beliefs and self-limitations. The four sessions will look into aspects of the self and system, what needs to grow, what needs to dissolve and what we need to wake up to in our times.
Read MoreCOVID-19: Eight Steps to Empowerment
“How we act now makes a huge difference to whether humanity can use this time to evolve. I passionately believe this is an opportunity for humanity to evolve together and create a connective tissue,” believes LOUISE MARRA.
Read MoreGetting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable
A homecoming, an uncomfortable situation and an inspiring theme. Nora Swann shares her journey of Retreat Four of the Mana Moana Experience.
Read MorePaddling Together: Reflections from the Teach for All Global Conference in New Zealand
Leadership NZ facilitated the leadership development part of the Teach for All global leadership hui. The global conference, which was held in Auckland, was inspired by the Māori proverb "Hoeangātahitia ki kō atu.
Read MoreThree days and two nights in Porangahau
The Leadership NZ Programme 2012 participants met recently to re-connect.
Read More2014 Yearbook
Our 2014 Yearbook was released at the 2014 Graduation event.
Be inspired with poems by Louise Marra, leadership thoughts from the Hon Tariana Turia, reflections from the Class of 2014, “Dairy, Digital and Drones” by Dr Mary Quin and so much more.
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