“Courageous Leadership means creating space for others to be heard, it means truly listening to others, even if their opinions or thoughts differ from your own.“
In the final of our New Zealand Leadership Programme Class of 2023 reflections, Sinead Cahill-Fahey reflects on where she has landed as a leader for the future of Aotearoa New Zealand.
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“I arrived into the seventh and final retreat exhausted by an ornate year. As per the previous retreats, I felt a strong sense of calm as soon as we entered our opening circle. The noise of the hustle and bustle dissipated as I began to reflect on my journey with the NZLP Cohort of 2023.”
Doyle Matautia reflects on his final retreat with the New Zealand Leadership Programme for 2023.
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“Leadership is not only about what you achieve today but what legacy you are leaving for your mokopuna.”
Class of 2023 graduate Rizwaana Latiff reflects on her leadership journey with the New Zealand Leadership Programme, and what it means to have the courage to lead authentically.
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“As our Courageous Leadership goals state, we are our wisest selves when we are our calmest selves.”
JODINE LAING shares her reflections following The New Zealand Leadership Programme Class of 2023’s Te Taiao Environmental Retreat.
“From the rewriting of history, to the blatant exploitation of resources and disregard for nature, I left this retreat a little ashamed of my past indifference, but most importantly, with a strong sense of purpose.”
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“How will our tamariki experience Te Taio in the future? How will we ensure our future generations lead with a wild heart and how can I expect to lead while concealing my own?”
Following our retreat focused on Te Taiao (The Environment), LEIGH LEFALE reflects on what has been emerging for her, as a participant of The New Zealand Leadership Programme Class of 2023.
“NZLP has given me the safe space and validation to unpack these thoughts and, more importantly, check in with myself.”
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“I feel so privileged to be on this program with an amazing group of people, this is a leadership program like no other and it is certainly making me feel and think differently with every retreat.”
NICK HENZELL shares his experience of being on Te Taiao—Our Environment retreat for the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023.
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“The programme I am on with Leadership New Zealand is not what I was expecting. Instead, it has been an emotional but inspiring journey initiated through confronting topics and uncomfortable conversations.”
FLOSS TE OHAERE shares her whakaaro following the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023’s third retreat in Te Tai Tokerau.
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“[This] retreat has awakened my mind to new possibilities and ideas. The combination of trust, vulnerability, and learning has provided a unique space for personal growth and self-discovery.”
PADMA AKULA reflects on how acknowledging historical realities had a transformative and grounding impact on her leadership during her third retreat on the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023.
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“I am still surprised by how deep I was able to go in that moment, and the rawness of my emotions. By stepping forward and speaking up about my greatest fear, I was able to see it for what it is, and see myself for who I am.”
KRIS LAL shares his experience of the New Zealand Leadership Programme’s second retreat for 2023.
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“The second retreat asked me to name what I need to ‘unstick’ myself. It invited me to interrogate what sits at the centre of my motivation and drive. What exactly is the difference I want to make? And what do I need to get it done?”
RHION MUNRO shares his process of reflection following the second retreat of the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023.
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“I have focused my practice on staying calm to maintain the best chance of wisdom, opening space for others and listening better, and taking action on things that matter to relationships.”
REGAN SAVAGE shares his initial key learnings following Retreat 1 of the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023.
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“I am not afraid to stand, and I’m choosing to make it count, by chipping at one person at a time with kindness and boldness.“
MALAEA NIKOLAO reflects on what it means to be a courageous leader, following her first retreat with the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2023.
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“I feel my shifts and changes, I feel my growth and stretch, and I feel a quiet confidence within me ... I am unapologetic about that now, and I am so very grateful to be given what feels like a once in a lifetime and careertime opportunity. “
LISA ROBERTS reflects on her journey with the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2022.
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“Not only did this retreat bring to the fore the importance of te ao Māori, and within this mātauranga Māori perspectives of environmental management, but it also emphasised the importance of each one of us to do our part as leaders to ensure that our environment is protected and rehabilitated.” VISHAL RAMDUNY shares his learnings following the New Zealand Leadership Programme’s fourth retreat of 2022.
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“I have come away with a renewed clarity of what my work is and what I am responsible for, and also what I am not responsible for.” ARA ALAM-SIMMONS reflects on what it means to be an aware and engaged leader in her retrospective on the New Zealand Leadership Programme’s Power and Governance retreat.
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“It was up to us to collectively show leadership, and to bring our best to the moment—and over the course of a very special three days, that is what I witnessed.” ALEX ROGERS reflects on his experiences of collective leadership on the New Zealand Leadership Programme’s third retreat of 2022.
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“Before this experience, I was cruising; very content and happy, but cruising. Now I feel a compelling desire for something more.” JACQUI SMITH shares her learning so far on the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2022.
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“The tapestry woven through the retreat opened my eyes to the breadth of difference in the lives and opportunities of the people in Aotearoa.” FIONA BARKER reflects on her own leadership journey following the second retreat of the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2022.
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“It was to my surprise that it had been over three weeks since I got back from our opening retreat “System and Self”, and the magic was still well and truly alive.” REHAN BADAR describes his experience following the New Zealand Leadership Programme’s first retreat of 2022.
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“I felt different. I took away that I may not necessarily need changing but more unlocking what is already there, and overcoming some insecurities and doubts in myself. I'm so ready to embrace the journey.” MO MATAUTIA-TEPANIA shares her whakaaro at the beginning of her journey on the New Zealand Leadership Programme 2022.
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